Which reminds me, I should probably go back and look at my old slide collection one of these days. 这提醒我,我也许应该回去看看我的老幻灯片,这些天收集之一。
Maybe campus life is the happiest time of our life, do you still remember those carefree days? Hopefully, this collection of jokes will recognize you those joyful days. 校园生活曾是我们每个人最快乐的回忆。本书对校园生活中的种种乐事用诙谐、幽默的笔调一一展开。
Is a simple collection class that stores the days of the week as strings. 类是将一周中的各天作为字符串进行存储的简单集合类。
Another indicator related to receivable turnover is the receivable turnover in days, or called average collection days, which is a variation of receivable turnover. 与应收账款周转率相联系的另一个指标是应收账款周转天数,或者说是应收账款平均收账期。
If suggestions require analysis or data collection, the Take Charge team has30 days in which to address the issue and come up with recommendations. 建议需要分析和数据收集,掌管队伍有30天从事发行和提出建议。
Methods To calculate used ward bed by using classification calculation collection method or remainder days calculation method. 方法采用分类计算汇总法和剩余天数计算法两种方法用计算机计算占用床日。
Conventional tests need several steps ( eg, sample collection, culture, staining, biochemical reactions) and several days to get a results. 常规检测需要采样、培养、染色、生化反应等多个实验步骤,要数天才能出结果,而且工作量大。
At first, this part will sum up the scholar groups from Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States. The intention is to explain that the tradition of the literature persons 'collection had existed since the pre-Qin days. 首先,本部分将西周至春秋战国时期的文士集团加以总结和概括,来说明文士群聚的传统自先秦时代已始开其端。